Windows 10 - IPv6 Connectivity: No network access, but other devices can use IPv6 with no issue


Windows 10 - IPv6 Connectivity: No network access, but other devices can use IPv6 with no issue

I had exactly the same problem, ISP delivers IPv4 and IPv6, but only my laptop shows both, my desktop PC only IPv4, the problem was HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters
DisabledComponents was set to 0xffffffff I changed it to 0x00000020 reboot, and IPv4 IPv6 was available again, this link explains the details So checking or unchecking IPv6 in network-adapter-setting is quite useless, only the registry-value is important

modify decimal value 32 is 0x00000020 which will enable IPv6 

still that registry was resetting so uninstalled all VPN and antivirus after that it starts working


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