
Showing posts from December, 2016

Applet Polygon Co ordinates


How to run applet in ubuntu or linux

After import statement just add this line in your applet /*<applet code ="appletwelcome" width=100 height =300></applet>*/ Here is the sample applet source code //Applet displaying welcome import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; /*<applet code ="appletwelcome" width=100 height =300></applet>*/ public class appletwelcome extends Applet {     public void init()      {           setBackground(;       } public void paint(Graphics g) {      String msg="welcome";      g.drawString(msg,10,10); } }

How to run java applet program in windows


How to set java path in windows


cmd- change to another drive? in command prompt

you want to change int othe E: drive at command prompt? type the below at the C:\> prompt: E: That's all! When in windows, you want to open the drive in explorer, type the same as above into the "Run" box or  address bar. dir  - This command will list all of the folders and files in the directory you are currently at. cd  folder  - This command will move you to the folder that you specify. The folder must be in the directory you are currently in. For example: If you are currently at  C:\Users\ username \  and you enter  cd desktop  you will be taken to  C:\Users\ username \Desktop\ cd  path  - This command will take you to a specific path on your computer. You do not need to be in the same directory as the path. You must enter the entire path for it to work. For example:  cd C:\Windows\System32 cd ..  - This command will move you up one directory from your current location. For example

java programs

Java program to check whether string is palindrome or not Posted on   September 21, 2013 by   Anuroop D In earlier post we have discussed how to check whether a  number is palindrome or not .In today’s post we shall check whether a string is palindrome or not.For this we shall use built in functions to reverse a string and then compare the reversal of string to given string. Procedure: 1. Take input from the user and store it in a variable. 2.Here we are going to call a function “reveresing” to find the reverse of the string. 3.At last we shall call the display function to show whether it is a palindrome or not. Now we shall write a program and get a detailed explanation after this. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 import java.util.*; class finding {     String str,reverse_str= "" ;     int i;    finding()