test postfix mail server
Steps to Perform Testing the Postfix Mail Service
1. Establish a TCP connection to port 25 which is postfix port :
[root@mail ~]# telnet localhost 25
You should receive a 220 response:
Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. 220 mail.zimbra.local ESMTP Postfix
Postfix is listening and we can communicate with SMTP now.
2. Next,greet the postfix server. The function is considered same with postman or transport :
Helo mail.zimbra.local
The postfix mail server should respond as below :
250 mail.zimbra.local
3. Inform the postfix server know who the sender is:
MAIL FROM:<admin@zimbra.local>
You will get ‘250’ output if the postfix accepts the sender address :
250 2.1.0 Ok
4. Specify the recipient of the email :
RCPT TO:<user@zimbra.local>
If Postfix accepts the recipient address will returned 250 response :
250 2.1.5 Ok
5. Send the actual Email with subject and body of the email :
Postfix agrees and feedback us to start actual email and returned this output :
354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
6. Start compose the mail, type the word ‘Subject:’ for email subject then enter. Type email body end our input with a dot.
Subject: My Test Email This is the body of the Email .
As before, if postfix agress and accepts the email, it will returned 250 response :
250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 194869C1AB
7. Postfix test fixt telnet finished at the moment, So you can quit :
221 2.0.0 Bye Connection closed by foreign host.
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