How to Troubleshoot/Investigate Ubuntu slow boot/startup (systemd)

Keywords: Ubuntu check slow boot, Ubuntu check slow startup, Ubuntu troubleshoot slow boot, Ubuntu check slow startup, systemd, systemd-analyze blame, Kali Linux, boot time, slow boot time, slow startup time

Sometimes, Ubuntu startup takes very long time, we want to find out the cause.

(Following command is not limited to Ubuntu, it can actually be used on any Linux distributions with systemd installed)

When the systems boots up completely, we can use following command to check which process took longest time during boot time.

$ sudo systemd-analyze blame

We can also use head to see top 10 slowest ones

$ sudo systemd-analyze blame | head

root@linux:/var/log# sudo systemd-analyze blame | head

55.280s plymouth-quit-wait.service

22.142s snapd.service

22.140s dev-sda6.device

17.104s networkd-dispatcher.service

15.401s dev-loop60.device

15.234s dev-loop64.device

15.221s dev-loop39.device

15.006s udisks2.service

14.995s dev-loop66.device

14.826s dev-loop58.device

if you have dual boot with windows 

I cannot say what else is necessary, but I can maybe give a workaround for you, so that the machine starts faster.

For me the most working solution was to disable the plymouth in grub with

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

and change the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT into


After saving the change you must update the grub with

sudo update-grub

and then restart the machine.

and also disable 

systemctl disable snapd



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