Migration of two different zimbra collaboration suite servers
Zimbra does not support migration of two different versions of Zimbra collaboration suite easily or support tool so we need to manually take everything as a backup in the old server and then transfer to new server.
Requirements :
old server: SSH login with root user
Admin log in as a Zimbra user
Enough Hard disk space to store all backups
New server :
Install the Zimbra suite you want
make sure to set your new servers hostname same as the old one.
Need ssh login as a root user
Zimbra admin logins
Enough HDD space to store backups from old Zimbra server
Do this in both old and new server
cd /
mkdir backups
cd backups
mkdir zmigrate
cd ..
cd ..
chown zimbra:zimbra -R backups
cd /backups/zmigrate
su – zimbra
Perform all operation as a zimbra user else you will encounter error.
Now taking backup of all data from old server
1. Find all domains
cd /backups/zmigrate
zmprov gad > domains.txt cat domains.txt mail.serverhelper.ml geekybum.com bumserver.ga serverguy.ml
2. Find all admin accounts
zmprov gaaa > admins.txt
cat admins.txt
3. Find all email accounts
zmprov -l gaa > emails.txt
cat emails.txt
Please remove all the email accounts from the file /backups/zmigrate/emails.txt with a starting words like spam, virus, ham, galsync .
4. Get all distribution lists
zmprov gadl > distributionlist.txt
cat distributionlist.txt
5. Get all members in distribution lists
mkdir distributionlist_members
for i in
cat distributionlist.txt
; do zmprov gdlm $i > distributionlist_members/$i.txt ;echo “$i”; done
cat distributionlist_members/tech\@mail.serverhelper.ml.txt
distributionList tech@mail.serverhelper.ml memberCount=2
6. Find all email account’s passwords
Now need to find the encrypted password of all of your old email accounts and store it under a folder named userpass/ as follows:
[zimbra@mail zmigrate]$ mkdir userpass
[zimbra@mail zmigrate]$ for i in `cat emails.txt`; do zmprov -l ga $i userPassword | grep userPassword: | awk '{ print $2}' > userpass/$i.shadow; done
7. Backup all user names, Display names and Given Names
Zimbra will accept Names and Display names in email accounts during account creation. So we need to restore those data too. We will create a directory called user data/ which contains these details of each of those email accounts:
[zimbra@mail zmigrate]$ mkdir userdata
[zimbra@mail zmigrate]$ for i in `cat emails.txt`; do zmprov ga $i | grep -i Name: > userdata/$i.txt ; done
8. Now backup all email account
This will take some time to take the backup of all email accounts. So you can run this command behind “screen”. A tgz file will be created with each emails name. We will use these files to transfer email accounts.
[zimbra@mail zmigrate]$ for email in `cat /backups/zmigrate/emails.txt`; do zmmailbox -z -m $email getRestURL '/?fmt=tgz' > $email.tgz ; echo $email ; done admin@mail.serverhelper.ml kailash@geekybum.com kailash@bumserver.ga kailash@serverguy.ml
This tgz files contains
- Contacts
- Calendars
- Briefcase
- Tasks
- Searches
- Tags
- Folders
All subfolders are included, except Junk and Trash. There is no way to include these in the big dump, but they can be exported separately:
9. Now backup alias
Some times your server may have email aliases for certain accounts. So you need to copy those aliases too. We will create a subfolder called alias/ for storing the backup of Alias.
mkdir -p alias/
[zimbra@mail zmigrate]$ for i in `cat emails.txt`; do zmprov ga $i | grep zimbraMailAlias |awk '{print $2}' > alias/$i.txt ;echo $i ;done admin@mail.serverhelper.ml kailash@geekybum.com kailash@bumserver.ga kailash@serverguy.ml
Some of your email accounts don’t have an alias. So the above-created files may be an empty file. Remove those empty files as follows,’\
[zimbra@mail zmigrate]$ find alias/ -type f -empty | xargs -n1 rm -v removed 'alias/kailash@geekybum.com.txt' removed 'alias/kailash@bumserver.ga.txt' removed 'alias/kailash@serverguy.ml.txt'
10. Now Backup all email signatures
Please use the following script to backup all signatures of email accounts.
#!/bin/bash mkdir signatures for i in `cat emails.txt`; do zmprov ga $i zimbraPrefMailSignatureHTML > /tmp/signature; sed -i -e "1d" /tmp/signature ; sed 's/zimbraPrefMailSignatureHTML: //g' /tmp/signature > signatures/$i.signature ; rm -rf /tmp/signature; `zmprov ga $i zimbraSignatureName > /tmp/name` ; sed -i -e "1d" /tmp/name ; sed 's/zimbraSignatureName: //g' /tmp/name > signatures/$i.name ; rm -rf /tmp/name ; done
11. Backup all email account filters
The email backup doesn’t have the email filters. So it needs to be backed up manually. To download all email accounts filters. Please use the following scripts
#!/bin/bash # Backup filters of all email accounts mkdir filter/ for i in `cat emails.txt`; do zmprov ga $i zimbraMailSieveScript > /tmp/filter sed -i -e "1d" /tmp/filter sed 's/zimbraMailSieveScript: //g' /tmp/filter > filter/$i.filter rm -f /tmp/filter echo "Filter downloaded for .... $i" done
12 Rsync folder to a new server
Now we have all the required data to do the migration process. As a summery :
- /backups/zmigrate – Have all the backups stored
- /backups/zmigrate/domains.txt – Contains the domains names
- /backups/zmigrate/emails.txt – Contains the list of email accounts
- /backups/zmigrate/distributinlist.txt – Contains the distribution lists
- /backups/zmigrate/distributinlist_members – Contains the members in each of your distributions
- /backups/zmigrate/userpass – Contains the encrypted password of your email accounts
- /backups/zmigrate/userdata – contains the email accounts user information
- /backups/zmigrate/alias – Contains all the aliases of your email accounts
Also the parent folder /backups/zmigrate contains a lot of zip file which are the data inside emails.
Now rsync the files as follows,
[zimbra@mail zmigrate]$ rsync -avhe 'ssh -p 22' /backups/zmigrate/ username@newserverip:/home/
5. Restore in new server
So after finishing the rsync process , we need to restore this in your new server as follows:
All this operations must be carried out as zimbra sudo user itself. Don’t use root account to store the backups
[root@zimbra ~]# su - zimbra
5.1 Restore all domains
Now create all the domains that we have from the file /backups/zmigrate/domains.txt
[zimbra@zimbra zmigrate]$ for i in `cat /backups/zmigrate/domains.txt `; do zmprov cd $i zimbraAuthMech zimbra ;echo $i ;done 2c86f244-de9d-4b7c-8e22-2246a8256219 myserver.com dbf75058-d85e-4d60-8b69-1f148a456eb6 justfortest.com ee90ffa2-505d-449f-82fd-129acb21cb5e checkit.com 8b6bf287-f61e-4930-ada0-96b817292556 dieanotherday.com 17d3c73c-14f7-43aa-9fd2-c9be9e29c9e5
You can also verify the domains created from the zimbra admin panel too
5.2 Create email accounts and set the old password
We need to create the email accounts for storing the mails. We also need to set the old passwords too. We already collected the account info and passwords.
To Create email accounts and restore passwords . Please use the following script to create it
#!/bin/bash #Scrit for creating the email accounts createacct.sh USERPASS="/backups/zmigrate/userpass" USERDDATA="/backups/zmigrate/userdata" USERS="/backups/zmigrate/emails.txt" for i in `cat $USERS` do givenName=$(grep givenName: $USERDDATA/$i.txt | cut -d ":" -f2) displayName=$(grep displayName: $USERDDATA/$i.txt | cut -d ":" -f2) shadowpass=$(cat $USERPASS/$i.shadow) tmpPass="CHANGEme" zmprov ca $i CHANGEme cn "$givenName" displayName "$displayName" givenName "$givenName" zmprov ma $i userPassword "$shadowpass" done
5.3 Restore email accounts
Now we are going to restore the emails from the Zip file. This process may take some hours. So it will be good to run behind “screen” command.
[zimbra@zimbra zmigrate]$ for i in `cat /backups/zmigrate/emails.txt`; do zmmailbox -z -m $i postRestURL "/?fmt=tgz&resolve=skip" /backups/zmigrate/$i.tgz ; echo "$i -- finished "; done gm@fun.com -- finished forest@fun.com -- finished
5.4 Now recreate the distribution lists
It is time to recreate all the distribution lists as follows.
[zimbra@zimbra zmigrate]$ for i in `cat distributinlist.txt`; do zmprov cdl $i ; echo "$i -- done " ; done 2a852fd8-6e66-426e-a76d-15192536042a budgetrtodomainusers@fun.com -- done a0f6ddb3-8525-4194-9397-6cf0a920dda6
5.5 Restore the distribution lists
After creating the distribution lists we need to add all the members inside the distribution lists. We have the distribution lists in the folder distributinlist_members/ and the list is in distributionlist.txt file. Please use the following small script to restore the distribution lists.
[zimbra@zimbra zmigrate]$ cat restoredist.sh #!/bin/bash # add all memebers to each of these distribution lists for i in `cat distributinlist.txt` do for j in `grep -v '#' distributinlist_members/$i.txt |grep '@'` do zmprov adlm $i $j echo " $j member has been added to list $i" done done
5.6 Restore Alias accounts
Please use the following script to restore alias. This will add all the aliases in your email accounts.
#!/bin/bash for i in `cat /backups/zmigrate/emails.txt` do if [ -f "alias/$i.txt" ]; then for j in `grep '@' /backups/zmigrate/alias/$i.txt` do zmprov aaa $i $j echo "$i HAS ALIAS $j --- Restored" done fi done
5.7 Restore Email Signatures
No please use the following script to restore email signatures
#!/bin/bash for i in `cat emails.txt`; do zmprov ma $i zimbraSignatureName "`cat signatures/$i.name`"; zmprov ma $i zimbraPrefMailSignatureHTML "`cat signatures/$i.signature`"; zmprov ga $i zimbraSignatureId > /tmp/firmaid; sed -i -e "1d" /tmp/firmaid; firmaid=`sed 's/zimbraSignatureId: //g' /tmp/firmaid`; zmprov ma $i zimbraPrefDefaultSignatureId "$firmaid"; zmprov ma $i zimbraPrefForwardReplySignatureId "$firmaid"; rm -rf /tmp/firmaid; echo $i "done!"; done
5.8 Restore Email Filters
You may use the following scripts to restore all your email accounts filters
#!/bin/bash for i in `cat emails.txt`; do zmprov ma $i zimbraMailSieveScript "`cat filter/$i.filter`"; echo "Filter Restore for account ... $i"; done
6. Conclusion
So now we migrated all our email accounts. It is time for DNS change. You need to shut down the old zimbra services and change the DNS. After that send some test emails and make sure everything is working fine. Next step is to secure your zimbra server. You need to install ssl certificates and firewall in your new zimbra server. Now you have a new server with new packages and files with the same old email accounts and its data.
7. References
https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Zmprov_Examples https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Zmprov https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Backing_up_and_restoring_Zimbra_%28Open_Source_Version%29 'https://xmission.com/blog/2015/04/30/zimbra-server-admin-tip-mailbox-password-migration-and-server-settings-comparison' http://stdout.no/zimbra-open-source-backup-strategy-and-scripts/
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