3.What are your strengths and weaknesses?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Strength is something which gives you advantage over others to achieve something more. Weakness is a bottleneck which reduces your performance. 

What ever strength or weakness you say in interview, the immediate question would be "give me one example why you feel xyz is your strength? or why abc is your weakness?

Guidelines to answer this question:

1.  Find your real strength which you believe that you have gained more in your professional career.  Some common strengths are 1. Effective communication  2. Hard working  3. Teamwork  4. Good organizing skills 5. Positive attitude  6. Adaptability 7. Problem solving skills  8. Ability to learn
Be ready to give one example why do you believe that it is your strength.

2.  Be double sure to say creativity or communication is your strength.  If you say creativity, how do you prove it? or If you say communication skills, the interviewer easily judge by listening 5 minutes to you whether you really are articulate or not. 

3. Choose your weakness in such a way that you can do something in future to overcome that.

Sample answer 1. 
I am a gregarious person and I can easily mingle with people.  2. My self-confidence and positive attitude add beauty to my personality.   3. Through hard work and perseverance, I have accomplished my EAMCET  Rank.
My weakness is that I don’t like general reading. But now I started Cultivating that habit and my favorite book is “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho.

Sample answer 2. 
 I am committed to the work assigned to me and I complete it with in the time as I believe in the statement ‘Nothing is Impossible through dedication and hard work’.   I can make myself comfortable and adaptive to difficult situations.
Weakness: I am little bit nervous to speak in a group. But I have given good number of paper presentations to overcome this.

 Sample answer 3.
Confidence and making others as friends are my strengths. Whatever work i am initialise, i will never loose the confidence till it gets completed. I was lazy to wake up on morning before 7.  But if it is necessary i can woke up.but i can do work up to late night. And i was frustrated when i was loose my temper.

Sample answer 4. 
My strengths are commitment towards my work, friendly nature & Puntuality.  My weakness is believing every one which sometimes leads me into troubles.

Sample Answer 5:
Among many of my strengths I like to mention My Hard working Nature, Honesty, Dedication, commitment and responsibility in my work, good knowledge on computers, helping nature, good communication skills, ability to manage with all kinds of people and finally my favorite is speculating capability.

My strengths helped me lot in various achievements like top in class, recognized as good student by my teachers. I was treated as computer guru by my friends. By seeing my discipline, dedication and responsibility I got opportunity to be a project member for R&D Department.

My weaknesses is I am a bit sensitive i.e. easily gets hurt but I had habituated to control myself in many situations I faced.

Sample Answer 6:
My confidence, perseverance in doing things are my strengths and they are crucial in my success. In my second year B.Tech i presented papers. I was very nervous during my first presentation and I could not even speak out properly. I prepared myself to that environment and for my next presentation i was very confident and I won a prize for my presentation. The confidence is all that matters.
My weakness is my nervousness and I overcome it by positive thinking and confidence.

Yes, You Do Have a Weakness

Maybe only one weakness -- if you are very lucky or delusional or not paying attention -- but you do have a weakness. At least one!
So, the worst answer to this question is:
"I don't have any weaknesses."
The employer is trying to figure out if your weakness will make it hard for you to do a good job or fit into the organization. They are also interested in how you handle a tough question like this one.
So time to be honest, at least to a certain degree, hopefully without ruining your chances at the opportunity.

The Smart Two-Part Answer

Notice in the example answers below, each answer has two parts:
  1. The confession of the weakness, and...
  2. The recovery - how you manage yourself to minimize the impact of the weakness, or the plan you have for recovery.
Be sure to present these weaknesses in terms of how they impact the employer. See the examples below.

Picking Your Best Weakness

You want to position yourself effectively within the interview and need to match positive answers with positive tone of voice and body language.
When you prepare for this question, you will want to pick a weakness that does one of three things:
  1. Is a strength in disguise, or...
  2. Represents an irrelevant weakness.
Be sure that this weakness does not hinder your ability to do the job or to fit in with the employer.

1. The "Strength in Disguise" Weakness

What do I mean by a "weakness that is really a strength in disguise"? The weakness is really a good characteristic that has been taken a bit too far.
Notice the two part answers: (1) the Confession, and (2) the Recovery:

Weakness: Self Critic -- Strength: Meticulous/Careful

(Confession)"I feel that my greatest weakness is that I am very critical of my own work. I have always prided myself on producing excellent and error-free work. While this is beneficial to my job performance, it is possible to go to extremes.
(Recovery)"I have also found that I can easily waste time checking and rechecking. Now I am aware of what to look for in being such a stickler, so I am always making a conscious effort to trust myself and my quality focus more and not be so incredibly critical of my work. I know that there is a limit to proofreading."

Weakness: People Pleaser -- Strength: Easy to Work With

(Confession)"It's important to me that everyone gets along in the workplace. In the past I have always gone the extra mile to help out whenever it is necessary in trying not to disappoint or let anyone down.
(Recovery)"I'm not saying I no longer help others out. However, I've learned to be more assertive, to better recognize and prioritize projects, to know whether I can bail others out without jeopardizing my existing work."

Weakness: New Graduate, Entry-Level, or Career Changer without Relevant Experience -- Strength: Fast Learner

(Confession)"Some people would consider the fact that I have never worked in this field before as a weakness. However, being highly trainable and open minded, I have no pre-conceived notions on how to perform my job.
(Recovery)"Working with your organization will give me the opportunity to learn the job the way you want it done, not the way I believe it is done. In addition, although I have no former on-the-job experience, I do bring with me extensive hands-on training and experience which can only enhance my ability to learn extremely quickly."

Weakness: Out-of-Date Technical Skills -- Strength: Insight and initiative

BE VERY CAREFUL of this one! It might backfire if not presented carefully.
(Confession)"In my last job, we used the same medical transcription software for many years that ran on the old technology we used, so my software skills became out of date. Other than personal use of the new versions of Microsoft Outlook and Word on my own computer at home, I had no experience using the current version of Microsoft Office products.
(Recovery)"I learned about new medical transcription software -- from XYZ Company -- which is based on a newer version of Microsoft Office. So, a few months ago, I started a training program focused on the current versions of Microsoft Office products, focused on Excel, Word, and Outlook. As a result, I became proficient enough to help when we finally made the transition to the new software.
"In helping my colleagues learn the new software, I realized that I must continue to pay attention to what is happening with technology in this field and keep my skills up-to-date, even if my employer isn't staying current."

2. The "Irrelevant" Weakness

Perhaps you would prefer to use the harmless weakness strategy. Some employers might view this "weakness" as a "strength" assuming you could stop your "recovery."
Again, we have a (1) confession and a (2) recovery:
(Confession)"I have had a hard time disconnecting from technology. I always have my smart phone with me and, of course, I have a computer at home. So, I was constantly checking in with my work email while I checked my personal email. I didn't check it while driving, but I did check it too often outside of working hours and even on weekends.
(Recovery)"I promised myself that I would stop being so obsessed with technology, and pay more attention to real life -- to my family, my friends, and what's happening around me. Detaching from technology is restful, good for my eyes (I'm told), and keeps me better-connected with the real world. I'm even reading a book, printed on paper, currently. So, I think I'm a more balanced person, now."
Obviously, this would not be the weakness to choose if the position being sought required being "on duty" by your phone twenty-four by seven. And some organizations want and expect this kind of "obsession" by employees. So, if you want to work for one of those employers, you might want to find a different, more irrelevant weakness.

Choosing Your Best Weakness

Regardless of what strategy you use, your ultimate goal is to present a real weakness that does not damage your potential for the position, but also does not come across as dishonest, unrealistic, or staged.
If you are not sure if you are picking a negative weakness, review the criteria for the position, and put yourself in the shoes of the employer to consider what you would like to hear and what you would think was negative.
Take time to practice difficult answers like this with a partner until you feel comfortable so that you will sound natural and confident in the interview.

Here are the mistakes that they typically make (you may be able to relate):

1. Trying to turn a negative into a positive.

You’ll find many books and articles that advise you to “turn a negative into a positive” by sharing a supposed weakness that is actually a desirable quality in an employee.  A few examples:
• I am too much of a perfectionist.
• I work too hard sometimes.
• I care too much about my work.
Clever idea. At this point, though, it’s an old trick and the interviewer sees right through it. She has seen many candidates try the same song and dance. In fact, this approach will likely make her think you are hiding something.

2. Refusing to answer the question.

Some candidates will assert that they can’t think of a single weakness. This is probably because they don’t prepare for the question properly and freeze up, afraid to say the wrong thing. This answer also makes you look like you are hiding something.

3. Revealing a weakness that raises red flags.

Another mistake is to be too candid and confess to a weakness that would hinder your ability to excel in the role. I once had a coaching client answer, “I have trouble getting up in the morning and getting to work on time.” His real weakness was that he wasway too honest.
Read on for our advice on how to avoid these mistakes and talk about your weaknesses in a way that is both honest and smart.


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