How to run free internet in LAN connection or HAck LAn for fastest speeds
For hacking LAN you need to know what is 1.IP address 2.gateway 3.Subnet mask 4.DNS address
ip adress is like home address in network it is like this example
there are two types of ip address 1.static 2.dynamic
static never changes it is constant it is your external ip address or public ip you can find it just typing ip address in google and search this will show your ip address
gateway-gateway is the door to the internet
if you have ip like then the gateway will be (in your ip just change the last number after dot to 1 and that will be gateway)
NETMASK -. it means that if you have ip address then you can change any last three dots values(45.32.27) to any one like 12.78.154 here 255 means it limits the ip from 1 to 255
if you are in LAN connection you can got to control panel network setting there you can find your ip address gateway subnet mask and DNS
Another method
am going to tell you for two types of internet
1.static ip
2.Dynamic DHCP
static ip is the ip address that never change that is staic
ip adress is like home address in network it is like this example
there are two types of ip address 1.static 2.dynamic
static never changes it is constant it is your external ip address or public ip you can find it just typing ip address in google and search this will show your ip address
gateway-gateway is the door to the internet
if you have ip like then the gateway will be (in your ip just change the last number after dot to 1 and that will be gateway)
NETMASK -. it means that if you have ip address then you can change any last three dots values(45.32.27) to any one like 12.78.154 here 255 means it limits the ip from 1 to 255
if you are in LAN connection you can got to control panel network setting there you can find your ip address gateway subnet mask and DNS
if you have ip like 172.xx.xx.xx you can change the last xx digit from 2 to 254 and run free internet
to check the ip range which are online now you can download angry ip scanner and advanced ip scanner and then check and apply any one that has speed and can run free internet.
Another method
am going to tell you for two types of internet
1.static ip
2.Dynamic DHCP
static ip is the ip address that never change that is staic
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