
Showing posts from April, 2016

2.How To Answer “Why Should We Hire You/Why Should I Hire You?”

Most people will answer this question by talking about their experience or education, and add descriptions like 'hard-working, loyal, team-leader, etc.'  THIS IS WRONG. You should always answer with what you will do to improve the company. What ideas do you have that will make life better for your interviewer? Lead with that.  Why? Because you are selling yourself (don't take that the wrong way) and you want to use proven and effective sales/copywriting strategies to do that. I have been studying copywriting lately, and one of the number one rules of copywriting is that you ALWAYS talk about  benefits  before features .  In this situation, what you will do to make this company better, and to make life better for the person interviewing you, is a  benefit  to them.  Your background/experience/edu cation are just  features  that support your benefit to the company. Features may have gotten you in the door for the interview, but be...

1.Tell me about yourself?

Tell me about yourself or What would you like me to know about you. or walk me through your background  The beauty of this question is that it helps you to pitch yourself to an interviewer, break the ice and help direct the interview right from the start. It is most likely that you may be asked this question, so structuring it well will help you guide the interview to your comfort zone. I would suggest you work well on this one. I follow a simple, straightforward structure to this question that allows me to cover things that I have done, and also direct the interview to things I know I will be good at answering. In any scenario, try to cover broad highlights of your life, and specifically stress on the past 1-2 years. Try to make it a story, that follows a path and flow. Human beings (i.e. interviewers) find it easier to remember stories. The skeleton, and reasoning related to what I mention is as follows: "I was born and brought up in _____, during my schooling I d...

c programming for Euler’s Method

Euler’s Method Algorithm: Start Define function Get the values of x0, y0, h and xn *Here x0 and y0 are the initial conditions h is the interval xn is the required value n = (xn – x0)/h + 1 Start loop from i=1 to n y = y0 + h*f(x0,y0) x = x + h Print values of y0 and x0 Check if x < xn If yes, assign x0 = x and y0 = y If no, goto 9. End loop i Stop source code: #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> float f(float x, float y) { float f; f=(y-x)/(y+x); return(f); } int main() { int i,n; float x0,xn,y0,h,x,y; printf("\n Enter the initial value of x and y i.e x0 and y0\n"); scanf("%f%f",&x0,&y0); printf("\nEnter the value of x for which we need to find the value of y\n"); scanf("%f",&xn); printf("\nEnter the value of h\n"); scanf("%f",&h); n=((xn-x0)/h)+1; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { y =y0 + h*f(x0,y0); x= x + h; printf(" \n the valu...

c program for Runga-kutta method of 4th order

#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> float f(float x,float y) { float f; f=((1/(x+y))); return (f); } int main() { float x0,y0,h,xn,k,k1,k2,k3,k4; printf("\n Enter the initial value that is x0 and y0\n"); scanf("%f%f",&x0,&y0); printf("\n Enter the value of h\n"); scanf("%f",&h); printf("\n Enter the value of x for which we need to find the value of y\n"); scanf("%f",&xn); do { k1=h*f(x0,y0); k2=h*f(x0+(h/2),y0+(k1/2)); k3=h*f(x0+(h/2),y0+(k2/2)); k4=h*f(x0+h,y0+k3); k=(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6; y0=y0+k; x0=x0+h; printf("\n%f %f",x0,y0); } while(x0<xn); printf("\n value of y=%f",y0); } output:  Enter the initial value that is x0 and y0 0 1  Enter the value of h .1  Enter the value of x for which we need to find the value of y .1 0.100000 1.091389  value of y=1.091389

How to run free internet in LAN connection or HAck LAn for fastest speeds

For hacking LAN you  need to know what is 1.IP address 2.gateway 3.Subnet mask 4.DNS address ip adress is like home address in network it is like this example there are two types of ip address 1.static 2.dynamic static never changes it is constant it is your external ip address or public ip you can find it just typing ip address in google and search this will show your ip address gateway-gateway is the door to the internet if you have ip like then the gateway will be (in your ip just change the last number after dot to 1 and that will be gateway) NETMASK -. it means that if you have ip address then you can change any last three dots values(45.32.27) to any one like 12.78.154 here 255 means it limits the ip from 1 to 255 if you are in LAN connection you can got to control panel network setting there you can find your  ip address gateway subnet mask and DNS if you ha...

c programming for raphson method

#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #define f(x) (3*x*x+2*x-9) #define df(x) (6*x+2) void main() { float x,a,c; printf("\n Enter the value initial value of x\n"); scanf("%f",&x); do { c=(-f(x)/df(x)); x=x+c; } while (fabs(c)>0.0001); printf("\n The value of the root is=%f",x); } output:- Enter the initial value of x The value of the root is =1.430501

c program for regula falsi method for root finding

#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> //#include<process.h> float f(double x) { return ((x*x*x)-2*x-5); } void main() { float a,b,c,h; printf("\n Enter the lower limit a and upper limit b\n"); scanf("%f%f",&a,&b); if(f(a)*f(b)>0.0) printf("\n Enter the proper values\n"); do { c=b-((b-a)*f(b))/(f(b)-f(a)); if(f(a)*f(c) <0.0) b=c; else a=c; h=b-((b-a)*f(b))/(f(b)-f(a)); } while(fabs(h-c)>0.0001); printf("\n The value of the root is =%f",h); } output Enter the lower linit a and upper limit b a=2 b=3 the value of the root is =2.0945