2.How To Answer “Why Should We Hire You/Why Should I Hire You?”
Most people will answer this question by talking about their experience or education, and add descriptions like 'hard-working, loyal, team-leader, etc.' THIS IS WRONG. You should always answer with what you will do to improve the company. What ideas do you have that will make life better for your interviewer? Lead with that. Why? Because you are selling yourself (don't take that the wrong way) and you want to use proven and effective sales/copywriting strategies to do that. I have been studying copywriting lately, and one of the number one rules of copywriting is that you ALWAYS talk about benefits before features . In this situation, what you will do to make this company better, and to make life better for the person interviewing you, is a benefit to them. Your background/experience/edu cation are just features that support your benefit to the company. Features may have gotten you in the door for the interview, but be...