How to install any application offline in ubuntu or its derivatives

Alldeb is you can install the application offline 100% in Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Elementary or with other ubuntu Based alldeb package. Alldeb package already brings its dependencies (software dependent) is complete and correct so that you do not need an internet connection when installing an application on ubuntu / LinuxMint / Elementary or ubuntu Based others. You can also download with other PC :)

Alldeb is a simple shell script program artificial Nifa Dwi Kurniawan from Indonesia Ubuntu Forum to assist the installation of Ubuntu applications without a live Internet connection. Alldeb same concept with Windows .exe or .dmg on Mac OS X. The concept is the same, namely single offline installer.

original website for the project started in 2013 which is in indonesian language you can translate here just copy paste the link here

 #Syarat 1: Profile APT

One thing to note, the composition of APT package installed on each computer is unique. Packages that are required to install Gimp applications on my computer, it may be different from the packages required to install Gimp on my friend's computer. So even in other computers.

Then, how to alldeb_maker on my computer can make alldeb composition suitable to install the application on my friend's computer? Well, I need is a computer APT profile my friends.

What I refer to as "APT profile" is a file called 'status' which is in the directory / var / lib / dpkg. This file contains a list of all installed packages and their status. By reading a copy of the file / var / lib / dpkg / status belongs to my friend's computer, then alldeb_maker on my computer would be able to organize files alldeb composition right package.

So, the first condition for use alldeb_maker is that we must have a copy of the file / var / lib / dpkg / status of the computers that we are needed.

#Syarat 2: Repository & Architecture

The next requirement, distributions alldeb_maker computers and computer alldeb_user must come from the same repository, and the same architecture.
For example;

- If my computer 32-bit Ubuntu 12:10 while my friend 64-bit Ubuntu 12:10 -> can not
Reason: The difference in architecture

- If my computer while my friend's Ubuntu Ubuntu 12:04 12:10 -> do
Reason: 12:04 Ubuntu using the Ubuntu repository Ubuntu Precise 12:10 while using the Ubuntu repository Quantal

- If my computer while my friend Xubuntu 12.04.1 12.04.2 Lubuntu -> can
Reason: Both use repository Ubuntu Precise

- If my computer while my friend Kubuntu 12.04.1 LinuxMint 13 (Ubuntu-based) -> can be, but probably not all applications
Reason: LinuxMint 13 can use the packages from the Ubuntu repository Precise, but there are parts that are not derived from the repository Ubuntu Precise

- etc.
This guide is divided into 2 parts. The first part is the installation guide alldeb_user program itself. The second section is a guide to install packages with alldeb_user alldeb application already installed. The purpose of this guide is to make your Ubuntu system ready to install application with alldeb_user program. The desired result later you can install any applications you want them offline with the source package alldeb of this site or other sites.


This tutorial looks long but if implemented will be very short and easy. Oldest only need 5 minutes. Just do it with the correct one by one. You just need to apply these guidelines once a lifetime.
1. Download the program alldeb here
2. Extract to your Home.
3. Preview. You get 3 files: alldeb_user, alldeb_maker, ebook_alldeb.pdf. You will only wear alldeb_user.
 4. Open Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T). Type the command sudo nautilus and press Enter. This will open your file manager in admin mode.

5. Copy alldeb_user earlier to the folder / usr / bin / you can do this by going to computer and then usr then bin paste it there

 6. Still in the Nautilus window, rename alldeb_user to alldeb like this
 7. Change permission alldeb be executable. You do this by right clicking the file alldeb, then check the Executable

9. Later if you want to install the package again, first open Terminal and type first. Do that for each installation. If you want a more automated, see Section 3 below.

Section 2

1. Open Terminal.
2. Type the command sudo and enter your password
3. Open File window appears titled Select File
4. Navigate to the direction alldeb package you have. For example, wine * .alldeb. Click 2 times or press Open.

 browse the file .alldeb you must remeber that you need to download the file first application which you want to install offline you can download from here

 5. You will see the Terminal you ask for input. You are given the option to install or the other. Type in the number, which is 1 and then press Enter.

6. Alldeb program will install what you alldeb package contents (ie applications Wine and dependencies in this example). Wait for it to finish.

7. IMPORTANT: You must pay attention to the Terminal to completion on some kind of package alldeb. Because there are certain programs that the installation requires additional input from you, such as Wine. Zoom pink / blue as shown below. If it happens, then press TAB until OK writing basic tinted red / blue, and press ENTER instead of clicks. Do it until it runs out pink appearance.

8.  If the program alldeb have expressed Done without error message, then your installation completed successfully.

9. Check your Ubuntu menu. Supposedly installed applications can be found there. Thus you alldeb package installation finished successfully.


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