odoo 10 works on python 2.7 python python --version https://nightly.odoo.com/10.0/nightly/rpm/ Creating a systemd service [root@webmail system]# cat /etc/systemd/system/odoo10.service [Unit] Description=Odoo After=postgresql.service [Service] Type=simple User=odoo Group=odoo ExecStart=/opt/odoo/odoo-10.0/odoo-bin --addons=/opt/odoo/odoo-10.0/addons/,/opt/odoo/odoo-10.0/reponew,/opt/odoo/odoo-10.0/gst/ -c /etc/odoo/odoo.conf [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Step 1: Update apt source-lists: 1 sudo apt - get update Step 2: Create the Odoo user that will own and run the application 1 sudo adduser -- system -- home = / opt / odoo -- group odoo Step 3: Install and configure the database server, PostgreSQL 1 sudo apt - get install - y postgresql Once the PostgreSQL is installed, next we setup a new PostgreSQL user for our application. This user will be used for making all the database interacti...